HRH The Princess Royal came to see us today!

Anne, the Princess Royal, helicoptered in to Henfaes Research Centre today to talk to SRT and to agricultural researchers in the School of Environment Natural Resources and Geography (SENRGY). She was accompanied by The Lord Lieutenant for Gwynedd  the Vice Chancellor of Bangor University and The High Sheriff.

HRH was most interested in our work and admired our Sarpo varieties.  She accepted a sample of certified seed of Axona and Blue Danube.  She was particularly keen to try Blue Danube. Katherine Steele, SENRGY, told HRH about our collaborative work with Burpee on late-blight resistance in tomatoes

Guests included representatives of the Welsh Government, DEFRA, NERC and Snowdonia National Park.

I was too busy to take photos except the ones below.
Helicopter circles the farm