We are delighted that our #SarpoCrowd have donated/loaned over £20,000 since December. Many thanks to our 152 backers, many of whom have tirelessly tweeted, retweeted and facebooked about our appeal.
More good news. The A-team Foundation has awarded us a loan of £10,000 to match the first £10k of our buzzbnk fund to make a current total of just over £30,500. The A-team Foundation supports environmentally responsible, food organisations like ours.
Buzzbnk has now agreed to reset our target to £50,000 to be reached in another 30 days. This means our new goal is to raise another £19,500. With 150 backers to help WE CAN DO IT. Our buzzbnk page tells us that our most popular backers loan us £50 or £100 with interest. So please, crowd, renew your efforts! Cajole your friends and contacts to join the crowd and contribute. This extra capital will help us to increase our production of seed so that growers are not disappointed when we sell out. At the same time it will make our business financially independent in its aim to promote our potatoes. Sarpos are low-input and grow without the massive doses of fungicides being sprayed on potatoes to control late-blight disease.
Please tell us your good ideas for finding new backers: @SarpoUK, facebook and e-mail info@sarvari-trust.org